Our onsite sewerage curriculum is professionally developed based entirely on the learning outcomes identified by the Engineers and Geoscientists of BC and the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC. We deliver instruction that is entirely focused on your achievement of those essential skills and knowledge.

We emphasize the ‘real world’ application of those competencies. EQUIP courses focus on the unique regulatory framework of British Columbia.

Our training will prepare you to work successfully in BC’s onsite sewerage industry.

For certification as a Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner, our courses support your achievement of the occupational competencies required by the Applied Science Technologists of BC. We also provide an orientation to their application requirements and processes, including preparation for the ASTTBC Jurisprudence Exam.

After training, you will need to achieve the minimum work experience required by ASTTBC. We can help with that experiential requirement.

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We provide Onsite Sewerage Training

For Engineers and Geologists

Mechanical room

The Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (EGBC) prescribe requirements for registrants providing services as a professional under the Sewerage System Regulation.

Our curriculum is targeted at the occupational competencies required by a P.Eng. or P.Geo. for declaration of competency in accordance with Principle 2 of the EGBC Code of Ethics. Content includes the EGBC Professional Practice Guidelines for Onsite Sewerage Systems.

Our training is also suitable for achievement of continuing education requirements in accordance with the Professional Governance Act and EGBC policies.

For Registered Onsite Wastewater Practioners

Waste water

The Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC) are the certifying body for ROWPs in British Columbia.

Their requirements for ROWP certification include achievement of an extensive list of occupational competencies and minimum experience requirements under the oversight of a suitably qualified ROWP or Professional. They also require successful completion of the ASTTBC Jurisprudence exam. Our curriculum was developed to support your pathway to your initial ROWP certification or to add an endorsement category.

Our training is also suitable for achievement of ASTTBC’s requirements for continuing professional development.

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Self Paced On-Demand Courses

Historically, we have provided live, online delivery of courses. More recently we have offered on demand versions based on recordings of previous sessions. These self paced courses have become the most popular, by far!

Dozens of participants are currently working through the on demand courses, at times that fit your busy schedules.

Accordingly, we do not have any live deliveries of the entry level or advanced courses scheduled at this time. All of our current courses are available in the self paced format, do them when you want!

To register for the on demand courses, have a look at the COURSES tab and scroll through to the Add to Cart buttons or go directly to the SHOP tab.

We encourage one-on-one contact. We invite you to contact us for a conversation about your training needs and the industry in general, before you commit to taking courses.

Entry Level Courses


BC Regulatory Framework For Onsite Sewerage

This course provides the common core competencies required by the Engineers and Geoscientists of BC for self-declaration of sewerage qualifications and by the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC for all categories of Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner certification. Topics include an in-depth exploration of the BC Sewerage System Regulation.



Sewerage System Specification and Installation Standards

This course provides an in-depth orientation to the BC Standard Practice Manual section 6 - Specification and Installation Standards. Recommended for Engineers and Geologists engaged in on site sewerage design and applicants for ASTTBC certification as a ROWP Installer or Planner.



Onsite Sewerage Design

This course provides training for design of on-site sewerage systems in BC.  Recommended for professionals (P.Eng., P.Geo.) engaged in sewerage design and applicants for ASTTBC certification as a ROWP Planner. Topics include site assessment and soils characterization.



Onsite Sewerage Maintenance and Inspection

This course provides training for maintenance and inspection of on-site sewerage systems in BC.


Advanced Level Courses


Onsite Sewerage: Hydraulic Design for Pressure Distribution Systems

This course provides training for sizing pumps, determining dose volume and frequency, achieving compliance with uniform dispersal standards of the SPM, timed dosing design, zoned dosing and other aspects of hydraulic design for onsite sewerage systems.



Onsite Sewerage: Evapotranspiration Beds

This course provides advanced training for design of evapotranspiration (ET) beds and evapotranspiration absorption (ETA) beds.



Onsite Sewerage: Online Resources for Site and Soil Evaluation

This course provides a continuing education opportunity for ROWPs and Professionals working in the BC onsite sewerage industry.

For ASTTBC members (ROWP, CTech, AScT) this course provides Continuing Professional Development within the formal Structured Learning category, at least 3 CPD hours.



Onsite Sewerage Systems: Advanced Soils-Based Design

This course provides an advanced 'refresher' for soils characterization and advanced quantified methods for custom design approaches including departures from SPM standards.

It is best suited for Practitioners and Professionals with previous training and experience for soils characterization and design of onsite sewerage systems.



High Strength/Commercial Wastewater

This course provides advanced competencies for design of treatment and dispersal systems receiving non-residential, high strength sewage.


Get in touch!

We value one-to-contact. Please don't hesitate to call or email us for discussion about your pathway to ROWP certification or your professional development needs.

We are happy to help.

Phone: 250-468-9772

Contact EQUIP Training

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